

Rong Ying




    Professor., Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, August 2017 - Present

    Associate Professor., Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, August 2013 - July 2017

    Assistant Professor., Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, August 2010 - July 2013


    Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, USA, August 2008

    M.S., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, USA, May 2006

    B.S., Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, July 2001


    Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, January 2010 - July 2010

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of California, Berkeley, September 2008- December 2009

    Consultant, BearingPoint Business Consulting Co., Shanghai, China, May 2002- August 2003

    Consultant, Arthur Andersen Business Consulting Co., Shanghai, China, August 2001- April 2002


    1. MSOM Best Paper Award, 2018

    2. Third Prize, Young Faculty Teaching Competition at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017

    3. Third Prize, Teaching Competition at Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2017

    4. First Prize, INFORMS Energy, Natural Resources & Environment Young Researcher Prize, 2014

    5. Best Lecturer in School of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2014 (voted by students)

    6. Advisor of Excellent Bachelor Thesis (Top 1%), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2013

    7. Best Reviewer Award, Omega, 2013

    8. 3rd prize, Best Paper Award, Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) Conference 2012

    9. Paper is Highlighted in IIE Magazine on June 2012

    10. M&SOM Student Paper Competition, Finalist, 2009

    11. IIE Pritsker Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2nd Place, 2009




    Service Operation, Operation in Emerging Business Models, Supply Chain Management, Data-Driven Optimization, Empirical Study


    1. Operations Management, NSFC grant # 72025201, PI, 2021-2025

    2. Optimization of Service Operations, NSFC grant # 71522009, PI, 2016-2018

    3. The Demand Model in Supply Chains under Stock Competition and Price Fluctuation and Its Empirical Evidence, NSFC grant # 71202068, PI, 2013-2015



    1. Chu, L., Y. Rong and H. Zheng, 2020. Strategic Benefit of Request for Quotation, Forthcoming at Operations Research

    2. Li, S., K. Chen, and Y. Rong, 2020. The Behavioral Promise and Pitfalls in Compensating Store Managers, Management Science, 66(10), 4359-4919

    3. He, L., Y. Rong, and Z.-J. M. Shen, 2020. Product Sourcing and Distribution Strategies under Supply Disruption and Recall Risks, Production and Operations Management, 29(1), 9-23

    4. Luo, J., Y. Rong, and H. Zheng, 2020. Impacts of Logistics Information on Sales: Evidence from Alibaba, Naval Research Logistics, 67(8), 646-669

    5. Feng, X., Y. Rong, Z.-J. M. Shen and L. V. Snyder, 2020. Pricing During Disruptions: Order Variability versus Profit, Forthcoming at Decision Sciences

    6. Chen, J., M. Dong, Y. Rong, and L. Yang, 2018. Dynamic Pricing for Deteriorating Products with Menu Cost, Omega, 75, 13-26

    7. Rong, Y., Z. Atan, and L. V. Snyder, 2017, Heuristics for Base-Stock Levels in Multi-Echelon Distribution Networks, Production and Operations Management, 26(9), 1760-1777

    8. Rong, Y., L. V. Snyder, and  Z.-J. M. Shen, 2017, Bullwhip and reverse bullwhip effects under the rationing game, Naval Research Logistics, 64(3), 203–216

    9. He, L., H.Y. Mak, Y. Rong, and Z.-J. M. Shen, 2017. Service Region Design for Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 19(2), 309-327

    10. Snyder, L. V., Z. Atan, P. Peng, Y. Rong, A. Schmitt, and B. Sinsoysal, 2016. OR/MS Models for Supply Chain Disruptions: A Review, IIE Transactions, 48(2), 89-109

    11. Rong, Y., Y. Chen, and Z.-J. M. Shen, 2015. The Impact of Demand Uncertainty on Product Line Design under Endogenous Substitution, Naval Research Logistics, 62(2), 143-157 

    12. Sheng, L., H. Zheng, Y. Rong, T. Huh, 2015, Flexible System Design: a Perspective from Service Levels, Operations Research Letters, 43(3), 219–225

    13. Mak, H.Y., Y. Rong and J. Zhang, 2015, Appointment Scheduling with Limited Distributional Information, Management Science, 61(2), 316-334

    14. Lim, M., H.Y. Mak, Y. Rong, 2015, Toward Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles: Impacts of the Range and Resale Anxieties, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17(1), 101-119

    15. Mak, H.Y., Y. Rong and J. Zhang, 2014, Sequencing Appointments for Service Systems Using Inventory Approximations, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16(2), 251-262

    16. Mak, H.Y., Y. Rong, and Z.-J. M. Shen, 2013. Infrastructure Planning for Electric Vehicles with Battery Swapping, Management Science, 59(7), 1557-1575

    17. Rong, Y., Z.-J. M. Shen, and C.A. Yano, 2012. Cheaper by the Pallet? Multi-Item Procurement with Standard Batch Sizes, IIE Transactions, 44(6), 405-418 (Paper is Highlighted in  Industrial Engineer Magazine on May 2012)

    18. Rong, Y., L. V. Snyder, and Y. Sun, 2010. Inventory Sharing under Decentralized Preventive Transshipments, Naval Research Logistics, 57(6), 540-562

    19. Rong, Y., Z.-J. M. Shen, and L. V. Snyder, 2009. The Impact of Ordering Behavior on Order-Quantity Variability: A Study of Forward and Reverse Bullwhip Effects, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 20(1), 95-124.

    20. Ross, A. M., Y. Rong, and L. V. Snyder, 2008. Supply Disruptions with Time-Dependent Parameters, Computers and Operations Research, 35(11), 3504-3529.


    1. Jia Gao, Ying Rong, Xin Tian and Oliver Yao, 2020. Save Time or Save Face? The Stage Fright Effect in the Adoption of Facial Recognition Payment Technology



    1. SC Design and Management (Master/PhD)     

    2. Applied Business Modeling (Master/PhD)

    3. Operations Management (MBA)

    4. Operations Management (undergraduate)

    5. Logistics and SCM (undergraduate)

    6. Special Topics in SCM (undergraduate)

    7. IE 112: Software Tools